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Rooftop solar installation & interconnecting with the PUD

All rooftop solar needs to follow PUD guidelines for interconnection and net metering. This applies both to customers working with solar contractors, as well as DIYers installing their own PV systems. If you have any questions, contact the PUD Energy Hotline at 425-783-1700.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Submit an Interconnection Application & Net Metering agreement with all required documentation.  For important insight into the application’s workflow, click here.
  2. Your submission will be reviewed. This may take up to 2 weeks for approval, depending on the size of the solar installation. If your solar application is acceptable, the PUD will issue an “Approval to Construct” via email for your project.  A solar processing fee of $85 will be assessed to the applicant’s PUD account.
  3. Once the “Approval to Construct” is received, you can then proceed with the solar installation, following all PUD solar installation electrical service requirements (see Section 6, Generation Interconnection, of our Electrical Service Requirements), local codes and permitting requirements. The PUD will begin the process of installing an AMI meter in preparation for net metering.
  4. Once the solar install is complete, and after the electrical permit from your local jurisdiction/L&I has been finalized, submit the Notice of Completion to the PUD.
  5. The PUD will execute your Net Metering agreement and give the OK to turn on your solar system.

If you plan on working with a solar contractor to install your PV system, we recommend first getting their assessment to determine if your home or business is a good candidate for solar, then getting at least three project bids.

Selecting an installer

Getting a PV system installed at your home or business is a huge commitment. When choosing a contractor/installer, consider the following basic questions:

  • How much and what type of solar experience do they have?
  • What references do they provide?
  • What types of warranties and maintenance agreements do they offer?
  • Do they work with specific suppliers or components that are important to you?
  • Once you have the bid(s) be sure that they are all based on similar system and design criteria.

For detailed helpful solar installer selection tips as well as information about misleading claims about solar installation, click here.