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February 18, 2022

Kristi Sterling

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Kristi Sterling

Kristi joined the PUD in December 2008 and has performed several leadership positions within the ITS Division. As a Senior Project Manager, she led several strategic technology projects. As an Applications Manager, she led a technical team supporting of operations systems.

Kristi became a Senior Manager of the ITS Program Management Office in 2019. In 2021, she became the Senior Manager of ITS Applications, Data & Analytics, and Architecture.

Kristi holds a BA Degree from the University of Colorado and an MBA of Information Technology Management from WGU. Kristi has 20 years of experience in the utility industry beginning at Colorado Springs Utilities as a Customer Service Representative, application analyst, and Lead ITS Analyst. She held management roles at Nordstrom and America West Airlines in her early career. Outside work, Kristi enjoys travel and spending time with family and friends pursuing outdoor activities.