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"Remember me" will keep you logged in and will store your User ID on the computer you are using. Do NOT use this feature on public computers (such as those in a library, hotel, or internet cafe).

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Woman on laptop using MySnoPUD


MySnoPUD is our easy-to use online account experience for customers offering 24/7 secure benefits, some of which include:

  • Interactive energy & water usage charts
  • Access to billing and payment history (starting with 3 years of data)
  • Bill & payment text or email alerts so you don’t miss a payment
  • Auto Pay option for bill payment
  • Paperless billing
  • Report an outage
  • Request a payment arrangement

Create an account or login >

Make a one-time payment >

Also available as an app on Apple App Store or Google Play Store!

It’s easy to use MySnoPUD!