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A wonderful way to reduce paper waste and clutter

  • Never miss a bill! Paperless customers are automatically signed up for email bill alerts and can add text alerts, alerts when payment is received, and more
  • A bill archive is securely stored online – view past bills any time
  • You are helping the PUD trim down paper, mailing and processing costs
  • You can feel good about reducing your environmental impact

Going paperless is EASY – click here to see how

Best of all, when you switch to paperless, you will automatically be entered in the Grow Paperless drawing (see below). Come back every month in 2025 to enter for another chance to win.

Paperless customers can enter to win prizes monthly in 2025!

Click the banner below to enter our monthly Grow Paperless drawing. One customer will win their choice of $100 bill credit or $100 tree certificate (good for trees/shrubs at local nurseries). For rules, please click here.

Enter to win paperless content banner, click here!

Your PUD is committed to maintaining our environment. We love healthy trees.

When people think of the Pacific Northwest, they picture lush forests. To keep power lines clear of these naturally growing giants, we trim many miles of lines every year.

When it comes to planting near power lines, we want to help customers choose trees they can enjoy for years to come without worry. Please review our tree book and resources on our Vegetation Management page before planting near powerlines. Also please remember:

  • Do not plant anything that will block, impede access to, or hide a pad mount transformer cabinet
  • Always dial 811 before you dig

Thank you for being a PUD customer and supporting paperless billing if you can. It is appreciated.

Paperless FAQs

What if I forget my password for MySnoPUD?

You can reset your password by clicking on blue “SIGN IN” button in the upper right-hand corner of this page. A pop-up box will appear. Select “Forgot Your Password?” and follow the instructions.

What if I don't receive an email or text notification that my bill is ready?

The first step is to make sure you have an updated email address in your MySnoPUD account. This can be done by clicking the Account icon in the top right of your MySnoPUD account and selecting User Profile. There you can update your email address or change your password.

If your email address is correct, check your spam folder to see if our email is stuck there.

You can always quickly view/pay your bill by clicking the link to the left of the Account icon at the top right corner.

How do I sign up for email/text alerts?

When you sign into MySnoPUD, click the “Alerts” button in the top right menu. Under “Billing” you can set alerts for New Bill, Due Date Reminder, Payment Applied, Past Due Reminder and Scheduled Payment Reminder. You can opt to have Alerts sent via email, text or both.

If I’m paperless, can I still pay by check?

Yes. Please send your check with your PUD account number on it to Snohomish PUD, PO Box 1100, Everett, WA 98206-1100.

If you aren’t comfortable with electronic payments, you can always pay by phone at 1-888-909-4628 (toll-free, 24-hours). Payment types: Visa and Mastercard credit/debit card, check. Prepaid credit cards are not accepted.

What if I need to print a bill later, can I?

Yes! You can find copies of bills as well as your payment history from 2017 on within the “View/Pay Bill” screen. Bills are available as pdfs and can be printed or downloaded.

What if I forget to pay my bill after receiving the notification?

Consider setting up Auto Pay in MySnoPUD so you never need to worry about missing your bill payment. Many of our customers appreciate the peace of mind that brings. You can sign up for Auto Pay in the “View/Pay Bill” area of MySnoPUD. Just look for the link at the top of the page.

Can I switch back to a paper bill if I don’t like not receiving one?

Yes, but we are really hoping you are so delighted with the many features of using MySnoPUD and the convenience of going paperless that you won’t want to!