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The PUD Water Utility has completed its lead service line inventory

The PUD Water Utility recently completed an inventory of more than 23,000 water services (small pipes that deliver water from the water main to a home or building) as required by the Environmental Protection Agency’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions. The purpose of the inventory is to identify any water service lines that contain lead. This was the first major update to the regulations in nearly 30 years and was created to reduce the risks of lead exposure for children and communities.

Results of the inventory

The use of pipes containing lead was banned in 1986, however water service lines for homes and businesses built prior to this date are required to be verified by several approved methods. PUD-contracted crews visited randomly selected customers to inspect approximately 500 water service lines at both PUD and customer sides of the water meter. The inventory showed no evidence of lead service lines in the PUD’s community water systems.

Methods used for this survey

After utilizing other approved methods, including review of water system records, the PUD Water Utility categorized the remaining service lines as non-lead by randomly selecting water services to physically inspect. A statistical method was applied to each of PUD’s community water systems to determine how many physical inspections should be performed to achieve a 95% confidence level in the results. The PUD Water Utility explicitly followed the Washington State Department of Health’s (DOH) Statistical Guidance for Group A PWS Evaluation Unknown Service Lines 331-723.

Signature of Chief Water Operations Officer
Jeff Kallstrom, Chief Water Operations Officer

Ongoing efforts

The PUD Water Utility will continue its program of physically inspecting water services as part of routine maintenance and repair activities. Future inspection results will be cataloged and made available to the public.

If you have questions about the lead service line inventory, or would like more information, please contact Brad Zahnow, Water Quality Program Manager ( at 425-397-3000.

Example of potholes to verify existing water service material:

Graphic shows examples of how holes will be positioned during Service Line Inventory