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Outdoor fun

Work’s not often a walk in the park for any of us, but when it can be, why not? Your PUD is a proud steward of natural resources, including property for public enjoyment. We encourage you to come explore (but please be mindful of the regulations).

Spada Lake Reservoir

A haven for fishing, boating (no combustion engines), hiking, picnicking and general enjoyment of the great outdoors.
Click here >

Osprey Park

85 acres of forest with over two miles of trails to explore. A perfect place to bird watch or spot salmon during spawning season.
Learn more >

Whitewater boating

We offer an average of three whitewater opportunities a year. See the route and pre-register.
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Spada Lake & Sultan River conditions

Check out a dashboard of data! Wind detection, NOAA weather information, rain gauge data and more.
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