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Recreation at Spada Lake Reservoir

Hikers take a tree-lined trail by Spada Lake

Our facilities at Spada Lake Reservoir, which is part of the Henry M. Jackson Hydroelectric Project, provide access for fishing and boating, hiking and picnicking. Spada is a drinking water reservoir, so there is no swimming or wading (pets or people!), paddleboarding or gas-powered boats allowed. Public restrooms are available.

The recreation sites are open year-round, although the road may be closed to motorized vehicles due to weather conditions. They are day-use only. You can leave your car overnight only on the east side of the South Shore Site parking lot if you plan to hike in to the DNR’s Greider and Boulder Sites for camping.

From the Gateway Site you can hike to our Culmback Dam Site and across Culmback Dam to our North Shore Site. From the South Shore Recreation Site, you can hike to our Nighthawk and Bear Creek Recreation Sites. This trail also leads to the Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) Greider and Boulder Lakes. (View map.)

Please use caution while driving on the roads around Spada Lake. Drive slowly and look out for rough road, fallen trees or rocks, and equipment.

Public use and enjoyment of the Jackson Hydroelectric Project recreation and mitigation lands in the Sultan Basin is subject to the regulations established in PUD Directive #73 (click to read).

Important information!

These regulations are easy to follow and keep Spada Lake Reservoir a beautiful and pristine resource for humans and wildlife.
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Spada Lake Reservoir access

General information on boat launches, road access and recreation areas.
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So many ways to recreate

Information on the many recreation areas around Spada Lake Reservoir.
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Hiking in the Sultan Basin

Whether you're looking for a quick jaunt or to really stretch your legs, options are plentiful and scenic.
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