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Energy Block Party photos

A boy gets a helping hand to descend from the snow cat

Smiling family taking selfie with mascot

Mom and son smiling with mascot

Youngster giving mascot the high 5

Young man behind the wheel of a line truck

Smiling children in small PUD hardhats

Food Trucks parked along the curb in the shadow of the Electric Building

Ryan's Rez-ipes Food Turck

The Dick's Drive-In Food Truck

Customers discuss trees at the Vegetation Management Booth

Guests look at the Jackson Hydro display

Block Party guests chat PUD careers

The Energy Efficiency team hosts customers at their busy booth

Energy Block Party guests learn about salmon

Customers discuss energy efficiency at booths inside the EB.

PUD Commissioners chat with visitors

Everett Transit's EV

A policeman shows a couple the inside of the police Bearcat truck

A young man sits on the police motorcycle

A family visits a safety booth

A young man sits behind the wheel of a fire truck

The KRKO crocodile dances with some kids

A family checks out the inside of a bright red fire engine

Two kiddos talking to a lineman from the bucket of a truck

A crowd waits to take their turns in the bucket of a truck

A youngster stands in the bucket of a truck and learns about being a lineworker

Two girls standing inside bucket of truck

Boy with arms up having fun in bucket of truck

The ARC trailer demonstration underway

A crowd gathers for the ARC trailer safety demonstration

EV enthusiasts explore the car show

Youngster tugs on dad's arm as he stands in line