Update: PUD to Begin Work Replacing Woodpecker Damaged Poles
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Work will result in road closures June 24 to August 18
Project update:
- 103rd Ave SE closed north at 32nd St
- 32nd St SE closed from Highway 9 east to 103rd Ave
7 am Thursday, Aug. 15 until finished (early morning Friday, Aug. 16, around 5 am)
The Snohomish County PUD will be performing work between Lake Stevens and Snohomish that will result in road closures between June 24 and August 18. To increase reliability and safety, crews will replace 19 poles that have been damaged by woodpeckers.
The work will occur in two phases scheduled for the following time periods:
Phase 1: June 24 to July 8
The PUD will close 103rd Ave SE from Lake Stevens Rd (south) to 32nd St SE.
Phase 2: July 8 to August 18
The PUD will close 103rd Ave SE from 32nd St SE (south) to Bunk Foss Rd.
The exact point of closure will shift as work progresses. There will be detours with signage set up accordingly. The PUD will provide local access and access for emergency vehicles.
Updates to the schedule for closures for this project will be available on the PUD website and social media channels. Customers that live within the detour zones will receive a letter in the mail outlining the detour routes.
The PUD will perform this work as quickly as safely possible to minimize impacts to customers and drivers.