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News Safety & Reliability February 13, 2024

The Challenge of Rising Costs

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The Challenge of Rising Costs

We know that at home we’re all experiencing the impacts of inflation – from eggs to gas to butter, things are just more expensive than they were a few years ago! Check out these examples of how the PUD has experienced rising costs. Please be assured, your PUD remains committed to delivering affordable power and water to our customer-owners. As always, teams across the utility are doing their utmost to manage costs and plan carefully for the future.

Graphic shows rising cost of electrical equipment. Wood poles up 50%, metal poles up 59%. Overhead transformers up 114%, Padmount Transformers up 88% on average, Aluminum Wire up 103%, Primary Underground Cable up 69%, Fuel for vehicles up 46%, vehicle maintenance up 42% (compares 2020 to today)