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How FlexEnergy participation will be reflected on your bill

Watch the video below to learn how to view your interval usage data and billing adjustments in MySnoPUD.

FlexPeak customers

SnoPUD FlexPeak customers will see their winter monthly credit and rate adjustment displayed on their bill in the account activity section. Take note: Incentive credits and usage adjustments are posted to a customer’s bill two months after usage. For example, November winter bill incentive will be credited on the January bill along with the November rate adjustment.

See sample bill

FlexResponse customers

SnoPUD FlexResponse customers will see their annual credit displayed on their October bill in the account activity section.

See sample bill

FlexTime customers

SnoPUD FlexTime customers will see their winter monthly credit and rate adjustment displayed on their bill in the account activity section. Take note: Incentive credits and usage adjustments are posted to a customer’s bill two months after usage. For example, November winter bill incentive will be credited on the January bill along with the November rate adjustment.

See sample bill