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FlexResponse pilot program logo

How the FlexResponse pilot program works

Although this pilot is no longer accepting participants, it’s a great example of a possible future energy program.

FlexResponse customers: 

  1. Receive alerts through their device or smartphone during winter months
  2. Shift energy use during peak events to earn incentives
  3. Earn an annual bill credit of $40 for 2022 and 2023 based on participation
FlexEnergy participant in front of home

During FlexResponse events we did not use major appliances, and turned down our heat pump. That meant using the crock pot to make dinner instead of the oven.

Customer Testimonial – Brent W.

Shift away from grid peaks to earn incentives and help the PUD be greener

Participating customers will receive FlexResponse event alerts to reduce energy. FlexResponse events will never be longer than 4 hours during a given day. These events take place when both demand on the grid and prices on the energy market are at their highest. If participants save energy during these times, it can help the PUD keep rates affordable and its energy resources clean.

More about the FlexResponse pilot

Program details

The FlexResponse pilot allows participating customers to earn incentives by leveraging their smart thermostats to reduce energy consumption at specific times the PUD designates. Participants will be notified of events one day prior by SMS text message and given the option to take part in the event.

How do participants know when an alert has been initiated?

The PUD will send an SMS text message the day before an event letting participants know a peak event is scheduled for the following day. We’ll also alert the customer’s device so it can help them save.

What do participants do during an event?

Participating customers don’t have to do anything! The PUD will alert the participant’s device that we’re planning an event so it can help them save. Participants should try not to adjust the temperature on their thermostat or start charging their electric vehicle during the event. If a customer enrolled a thermostat, their device will help them reduce energy use by adjusting the temperature setting, sometimes even pre-warming the house to help them ride through an event in comfort. If a connected EV charger has been enrolled, the device will help reduce energy use by pausing charging until after the event has passed.

How long will these events be?

Peak events will be 1 to 4 hours in length. The PUD won’t call a peak event more than 15 times per winter season, which runs Nov. 1-Feb. 28. There are two winter seasons during the pilot. Peak events will not be called on weekends or federal holidays.

Want more details? Check out the FlexResponse FAQs >